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Discover Your CityRainbow City
Rainbow City
3700 Rainbow Drive,Rainbow City, AL 35906
Call us today
(256) 413 - 1217(256) 442 - 2995
Beth Lee
City Clerk
City Clerk
The Rainbow City Clerk’s office provides the following services to Rainbow City:
The City Clerk’s office provides administrative support for the City Council and Mayor and act as the City’s Treasurer, and to provide an accurate record of all official
actions of the governing body.
The City Clerk is responsible for the custodial maintenance and care of the minutes of all City meetings and for all official records of City government, such as ordinances, resolutions, and contracts.
Performs certification and recording for the City on legal documents and other records requiring certification; seals and attests by signature to ordinances, resolutions and contracts, easements, deeds, bonds or other documents requiring certification, and files all city records.
Serves as the Chief Election Official for all city elections, and maintains the city’s voters list.
Attends regular and special City Council meetings and prepares the agenda for the two (2) monthly meetings, along with other necessary material for the meeting.
Provides services to citizens, city departments, elected officials and others in a courteous and professional manner.
Provides public records and information to citizens, civic groups, the media and other agencies as required and acts as an informational resource to citizens and visitors;
receives and responds to concerns and complaints.